⏱︎ 2 min read

I've worked with a lot of flowchart tools in my life. Having worked in operations, and even now in software, I'm constantly throwing processes into flowcharts just to better understand the flow of information. It's a useful exercise in not only solidfying understanding, but also to see what issues you can identify.
The only issue that I encountered in this in all my years, is that it's actually a massive pain to create flowcharts. You're constantly resizing boxes, adding new arrows, changing shape icons, and ultimately doing things that don't drive effort. Sometimes fonts would get screwed up, or font sizes looked inconsistent and not in the boxes. It's a big waste of time.
I wanted to create a flow chart app that was quick/smooth on the fly and didn't require you to drag/drop/resize. Instead, you quickly type new boxes, see the changes in realtime, and more.
Mobile is decent, desktop best. Check out the app here → www.flowycharts.com